
Queer Affirmative Therapy

Queer Affirmative Therapy & Counselling by specialized therapist

Therapy is often geared towards cis heterosexual people whose experiences vastly differ from those of queer people. When the norm is heterosexual, marginalized communities are often unable to find the space they need in order to talk about their problems.

While there might be overlap in the issues themselves- lack of communication, dependency, toxicity- context plays an important role in understanding our clients. Therapists at Another Light put in the extra effort in understanding our clients. Instead of a neutral stance, we actively learn about the queer community, or are a part of it, and understand how it affects your mental health.

Another Light Counselling provides therapeutic practices that affirm gender and sexuality of marginalized communities.. We understand the need for an intersectional approach to therapy- thus, we put the responsibility of marginalization on systems and contexts- such as homonegativity, transnegativity andheteronormativity- and talk about therapy within that understanding. If you are looking for a safe space, we at Another Light are here for you.

Kink Affirmative Therapy

Kink Affirmative Therapy by expert psychologists

Kink affirmative therapy entails not only a no-judgement zone but also therapists who genuinely understand identity issues and sexual practices. Another Light provides you with safe space to navigate the boundaries of your sexual experiences without the negative messaging you might have already been exposed to. We help you process and recover from the harm of this messaging while addressing all related trauma you might have.

LGBTQIA+ is only the basics of sexual diversity. Kinks are one way to explore identity and sexuality for both queer and cis-het people. It is not just about sex; kinks and kink exploration doubles as a method to combat dissociation during sex or otherwise. We at Another Light understand kink and plays and how it relates and reflects power and society. The conversation is always open and safe- allowing you to shed the "shame" society expects you to have.

BDSM as a term has evolved to include more terms and practices. The lines between abusive and consensual kinky dynamics often get blurred. At Another Light, we encourage safe and fun sexual experiences that are a part of adult life, and aim to help you understand your own soft and hard limits while fostering those experiences. Kink-informed therapists help you maintain healthy relationships and dynamics, providing you with resources and information to make your kinky play a safe and exciting experience.

Trauma Therapy & Counselling

Trauma Therapy & Counselling

The word "trauma" has been over-defined to only include Big life events that cause notable harm to a person. Often, we forget to acknowledge the Small Traumas that tend to leave a bigger impact. The sum of all Small Traumas in our lives causes more damage than the Big Traumas. It's important to acknowledge them and not dismiss them.

When a person does not have the ability or resources to deal with an overwhelming or threatening situation, use the word trauma. War, accidents, stalking, kidnapping, abuse these all fall under Big Traumas. They need as much care as Small Traumas- ranging from emotional abandonment, relationship issues, gaslighting, or just being told you're not good enough your entire life. These leave small scars that pile up and have lasting impact on how you think and function on a daily basis. The best way to heal is by working on yourself with trauma-informed therapists. Another Light is here to provide with tools, tips and tricks you require to start on your journey for mental wellness.

What does trauma comprise of

What does trauma comprise of

We have a fair understanding of what Big Traumas are- ranging from abuse, kidnapping, loss of a loved one, war and so on. While one should not dismiss these, trauma also comprises a lot of Small Traumas. These are the moments that tend to have a lasting impact on your personality as well as the way you interpret the world. They color your interaction with people and situations, the way you react to big and small events in your life, the way you view or navigate a conversation and so much more.

Small Traumas stem from incidents such as childhood neglect, continued gaslighting, relationship issues, attacks on your self-worth, and so many more small events that we are able to dismiss or cope with in that moment. However, as we grow, these incidents snowball to the point that they shape our entire outlook. If you need help addressing your Small Traumas - and we know you do - come to Another Light. We have trauma-informed therapists who understand how trauma works and will actively help you help yourself.

Couple Therapy

Couple therapy for queer people, marriage counselling, relationship counselling

It might be difficult to understand why some long-term relationships endure while others do not. From a distance, it could appear to be the cruelest and most unnerving kind of lottery. The perception that one or both partners did not feel heard, that something very significant to them had been overlooked and that their point of view had not, at a fundamental level, been acknowledged and appreciated, is the real cause of a breakup.


  • Dealing with Heartbreak

The process of getting over heartbreak can be emotionally and mentally taxing. After a breakup or the end of a relationship, it's common to experience a range of emotions, including sadness, anger, grief, and confusion. Seeking support from friends and family, practicing self-care, and going to therapy to process your emotions and better understand your feelings are just a few of the many diverse ways that can be useful in coping with heartbreak.

  • Relationship Counselling 

However, by obtaining relationship counselling at the appropriate moment, it is possible to avoid broken relationships. A type of therapy called relationship counselling aids both individuals and couples in resolving problems and conflicts in their relationships. Couples who are having problems with intimacy, communication, or other issues that are leading to conflict or discontent in their relationship may find it useful.

  • Counselling for Queer Couples

Although, couples who fall outside the cis-heternormative umbrella may find it challenging to seek professional help for serious problems in their relationship due to fear of judgment or worse. Couple therapy for queer people is designed to meet the specific needs of LGBTQ+ couples by providing them with a safe space to work through their problems. At Another Light, we take into account the context and the barriers and provide queer affirmative therapy. It can be helpful for couples who are facing unique challenges related to their sexual orientation or gender identity and are seeking support and guidance in navigating those challenges.

  • Marriage Counselling 

And for issues that arise in the context of marriage, marriage counselling can be helpful in finding ways to improve that couple’s relationship and strengthen their bond. It can provide a safe and supportive space for couples to communicate openly and honestly about their feelings and concerns, and to work through any issues that are causing strain on their relationship.

With the willingness to cooperate with each other, and the right guidance, a couple may find their bond has gotten stronger than before. Couples can learn effective communication skills and techniques for resolving conflicts in a healthy and constructive way. By learning how to effectively manage and resolve conflicts, couples can reduce the frequency and intensity of arguments and improve overall relationship satisfaction. They can better understand and meet each other's emotional needs, which can lead to a deeper sense of connection and intimacy. Couples can learn how to work together to identify and solve problems, which can help to improve overall happiness in the relationship. Couple therapy can also help couples to better understand each other's perspectives and needs, which can lead to greater acceptance and appreciation of one another.

Poly Relationships Therapy & Counselling

Poly relationships Therapy & counselling

Polyamory is the practice of, or desire for, intimate relationships with more than one partner, with the informed consent of all partners involved. There are several misconception and misinformation about polyamorous relationships.

Polyamory does not exist as a challenge to monogamy. There are plenty of other non-monogamous relationships- like open relationships and swinging. It's important to recognize what you want from the relationship as well and learn to let go when things don't align.

Polyamory is defined by your expectations of love and relationships. It requires communication, boundaries, and trust- as is true of every monogamous relationship as well. Another Light helps you and your partners understand how to be in a healthy poly relationship by stressing the need for safewords, communicating with both your partner as well as their potential partners, practicing safe sex, and dealing with the inevitable bout of negative emotions that crop up in every kind of relationship.

Counselling & Therapy for Addictions

Counselling & Therapy for alcohol and other drug addictions

Handling your addiction is not as easy as "deciding to no longer do it" especially if it is a response to pain- and addictions are exactly that. Addictions act as a distraction to deal with and reduce pain. Humans will do anything to avoid feeling pain. In the end, however, it only leads to more pain and obsession.

Most people tend not to understand addiction and what it can do to you. Instead, it's dismissed as a "wrong choice" or a "bad decision" - and while it can lead to that, addiction stems from unaddressed trauma. In order to continue avoiding the core trigger, we tend to find escape in substances. Another Light is equipped with trauma-informed therapists who help you work towards breaking the addiction cycle. While we very much put the onus on the person with an addiction, we also acknowledge the responsibility that the system around them have. Stigma via these systems often don't address the pain that comes with addiction and fail to recognize people with addictions as human. Another Light takes into account the person as well as the context, in order to provide therapy that helps on your journey to wellness.

EMDR Therapy

Have you ever heard of EMDR therapy? EMDR stands for Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing, and it's a powerful tool that can help people to overcome a wide range of mental health challenges. When we experience traumatic events or difficult life experiences, it can leave a lasting imprint on our brains that can be difficult to process. EMDR uses a combination of talk therapy and eye movement exercises to help individuals to reprocess those difficult memories in a more adaptive way

One of the most common reasons people seek out eye movement desensitization and reprocessing therapy is to address anxiety. Anxiety is a common mental health condition that affects millions of people worldwide. Symptoms can include persistent worry, racing thoughts, difficulty sleeping, and physical symptoms such as rapid heartbeat or sweating. EMDR therapy for anxiety can help individuals to identify the root causes of their anxiety, learn coping strategies for managing symptoms, and develop a greater sense of resilience and self-awareness.

It can also be highly effective for treating depression. Depression is a complex mental health condition that can manifest in a variety of ways, including persistent feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and low self-esteem. EMDR therapy for depression can help individuals to process and release negative emotions, identify and challenge self-limiting beliefs, and develop a more positive outlook on life.

Addiction is another area where EMDR has shown great promise. Addiction is a complex condition that is often rooted in trauma or other underlying mental health issues. EMDR therapy for addiction can help individuals to identify and address those underlying issues, develop coping strategies for managing triggers and cravings, and cultivate a sense of self-awareness and self-compassion that can be essential for recovery.

For couples who are struggling with relationship issues, EMDR couples therapy can be a valuable tool for improving communication, deepening intimacy, and strengthening the bond between partners. It can help individuals to identify and process negative patterns of behavior and communication, develop greater empathy and understanding for each other, and learn tools for resolving conflict and building a stronger, more resilient relationship.

If you recognize any of the above signs in yourself or someone you care about, it may be helpful to explore the possibility of eye movement desensitization and reprocessing therapy with a trained mental health professional. At Another Light Counselling, we work with our clients to identify traumatic memories or experiences that are contributing to their mental health issues. Then, we’ll use bilateral stimulation to help process those memories and emotions. We will guide our clients through the process of reprocessing difficult emotions and memories, help them to build greater resilience and develop a more positive outlook on life.

Internal Family Systems Therapy

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to explore and understand the different parts of yourself, just like members of a family? Imagine being able to communicate with these parts and find harmony within your own mind. If these questions pique your interest, then let's dive into the fascinating world of Internal Family Systems (IFS) Therapy, where we'll uncover the secrets of your inner family and discover how they can work together in a more balanced and fulfilling way.

So, imagine your mind as a big family. In this family, there are different parts, just like in a real family. Each part has its own thoughts, feelings, and desires. Sometimes these parts get along really well, and other times they may have conflicts or disagreements.

Now, in Internal Family Systems, the therapist helps you explore and understand these different parts of yourself. They want to get to know all the members of your inner family and help them work together in harmony. You might be wondering, why do we have these different parts in the first place? Well, everyone has different experiences and emotions throughout their lives. Some parts may develop as a way to protect you from certain feelings or memories that were difficult to handle. These parts might take on roles, like being the protector or the caretaker.

The therapist creates a safe space for you to explore these parts of yourself. They help you listen to each part's perspective and understand why they're there. The goal is to develop a better relationship with these parts and help them communicate and collaborate with each other.

Think of your Another Light therapist as the "family mediator." They help the different parts of your mind talk to each other and express themselves. This way, the parts can understand each other better and work together as a team. During therapy sessions, the therapist might ask you questions to help you understand and describe your different parts. They may also guide you through visualization exercises or use art or writing as tools to express your inner world. It's all about exploring and getting to know your inner family better.

As you continue with Internal Family Systems Therapy, you'll learn how to become the leader of your inner family. Instead of letting one part take control all the time, you'll learn to balance and make decisions that benefit everyone in your mind. The great thing about it is that it encourages self-compassion and understanding. It helps you see that all your parts have good intentions, even if their actions sometimes cause difficulties. By developing empathy towards your parts, you can create a more peaceful and balanced inner world.

Remember, everyone has different parts inside them, and it's perfectly normal. IFS Therapy just helps you get to know your inner family better and strengthen the bond between your parts. It's like building a loving and supportive team inside your mind.


Depression Counselling

Are you tired of feeling overwhelmed by sadness and struggling to find joy in your daily life? Are you looking for guidance and support to navigate the complexities of depression? If these questions resonate with you, then get ready to embark on a journey of healing and hope as we explore depression counseling in India

It can feel like a cloud that hangs over a person for an extended period. It can make you feel sad, tired, and even hopeless. Sometimes, it might feel like everything is just too hard or not worth it. It affects not only your mood but also your thoughts, feelings, and even physical energy. It's important to know that seeking counselling is not something to be ashamed of, and you're not alone if you're experiencing it.

Depression can have different causes, and it's not always easy to pinpoint one exact reason. It can be a combination of things like genetics, brain chemistry, life events, or even certain medical conditions. Sometimes, it can be triggered by a significant change or loss in a person's life, like a breakup, the death of a loved one, or even moving to a new place.

Symptoms of Depression:

  • Persistent sadness or feeling down.
  • Loss of interest or pleasure in things once enjoyed.
  • Changes in appetite and weight (eating too much or too little).
  • Trouble sleeping or sleeping too much.
  • Feeling tired and lacking energy.
  • Difficulty concentrating or making decisions.
  • Thoughts of death or suicide.

It's important to note that not everyone experiences all of these symptoms, and the intensity can vary from person to person.

If you or someone you know is experiencing these symptoms, it's essential to seek help and support. Counselling for depression is available, and there are people who can provide the assistance you need. When you meet Another Light therapists, they create a safe and judgment-free environment where you can share your thoughts and feelings openly. This space is just for you, and whatever you say will be kept confidential.

Your therapist can help you develop coping skills and strategies to deal with depression. They might teach you relaxation techniques, help you challenge negative thoughts, or suggest healthy ways to express your emotions. They can guide you in finding solutions that work best for you. In some cases, your therapist can work alongside a doctor to help you understand and manage any prescribed medications. 

It's important to understand that recovering from any mental illness takes time. Just as physical wounds need time to heal, emotional wounds do too. You might not feel better overnight, but with the help of a therapist, you can gradually work towards feeling happier and more like yourself again.

Panic Attack

Do you ever feel like your heart is racing out of control, your breathing becomes rapid and shallow, and you're unable to control overwhelming feelings of fear or anxiety? We know that it can be terrifying and can greatly impact your daily life. If you're looking for ways to regain control and live a more peaceful life, let's explore the world of panic attack treatment together.

Panic disorder is a condition where a person experiences sudden and intense feelings of fear and anxiety, often accompanied by physical symptoms like a racing heart, shortness of breath, dizziness, and sweating. It can be really overwhelming and scary, but the good news is that there are ways to manage and treat it.

When it comes to panic disorder treatment, therapy is like having a guide who can show you the way to calmness and help you gain control over your fears. Your therapist at Another Light Counselling will help you identify and challenge negative thoughts that might be triggered. You will also learn helpful coping skills to deal with anxiety and practice them in real-life situations. This involves gradually facing the situations or places that trigger panic responses, in a safe and controlled way. By doing this repeatedly over time, you can learn that these situations are not as dangerous as they might seem, and your anxiety decreases.

Here's how a therapist can help you:

  1. Identifying Triggers: Triggers are things or situations that make you panic. Your therapist will work with you to identify these triggers and help you understand why they affect you. This knowledge is essential in learning how to manage and cope with them effectively.
  2. Learning Relaxation Techniques: Therapy can teach you various relaxation techniques to calm your mind and body. These techniques might include deep breathing exercises, visualization, or mindfulness practices. 
  3. Challenging Negative Thoughts: A therapist can help you challenge any negative thoughts and replace them with more positive and realistic ones. 
  4. Gradual Exposure: Facing your fears can be challenging, but with the guidance of a therapist, you can gradually expose yourself to the situations or things that trigger you. This approach, called exposure therapy, helps you build resilience and realize that you can handle these situations without feeling overwhelmed.

Sometimes, medication can also be prescribed to help manage panic symptoms. However, it's important to remember that medications should always be taken under the guidance of a doctor, and they might have some side effects. Aside from therapy and medication, there are also some lifestyle changes that can help in managing panic attacks. Regular exercise, eating a healthy diet, getting enough sleep, and practicing relaxation techniques like deep breathing or meditation can all contribute to reducing anxiety levels. 

Remember, it's important to be patient with yourself throughout the therapy process. It takes time to learn and practice these new skills, but with persistence and support, you can make progress and regain control over your life.

Anxiety Therapy

Imagine a situation where you have to give a presentation in front of your class. Your heart starts pounding, your hands get sweaty, and you feel like there are butterflies in your stomach. This is what we call "normal" anxiety, which is a natural response to stress. It can even be helpful in some situations, giving us a burst of energy and focus. But sometimes, anxious feelings become more intense and last longer than they should. It starts to interfere with our daily lives, making simple tasks seem overwhelming. That's when we need anxiety treatment.

Anxiety comes in different forms. Some common types include generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), social anxiety disorder, panic disorder, and specific phobias. Each type has its own set of symptoms, but they all share one thing in common: they can make you feel scared, uneasy, or worried even when there's no real danger around. It's like your brain is sending out false alarms, making you feel on edge.

Another Light Couselling is a safe space where you can talk about your anxious feelings with a therapist who is trained to understand and support you. They are like guides who help you navigate through the challenges and emotions that anxiety disorder brings. Here are some ways therapists can assist you:

  1. Creating a Supportive Environment:

Therapists provide a warm and welcoming atmosphere where you can openly express your thoughts and feelings without judgment. They listen attentively, offering a safe space for you to explore the root causes of your anxiety.

  1. Understanding Your Anxiety:

Anxiety therapy can help you understand what triggers you and how it affects you. You will learn to differentiate between types of anxious experiences and get insights into why you might feel the way you do.

  1. Developing Coping Skills:

Therapists teach you practical tools and techniques to cope with anxiety. These skills can include relaxation exercises, deep breathing techniques, mindfulness, and challenging negative thoughts.

  1. Building Resilience:

Therapy helps you build resilience, which is like having a superpower to bounce back from challenging situations. Therapists will guide you in developing healthy coping mechanisms, building self-confidence, and fostering positive thinking.

  1. Providing Emotional Support:

Therapists offer a listening ear, empathy, and guidance throughout your journey. Their presence helps you feel understood, validated, and less alone in your struggles.


Remember, anxiety is something many people face, and you have the strength to overcome it. Seeking anxiety counselling can be a powerful step towards managing the anxiousness and living a happier, more fulfilling life. Another Light therapists are here to guide you, support you, and provide you with the tools you need to face life’s challenges with confidence. You're not alone, and together, we can work towards a brighter and calmer future. Take that brave step, and know that a better tomorrow is within your reach.

Eating Disorder

An eating disorder is a condition that affects the way a person thinks about food and their body. It's not just about wanting to be thin or not liking how you look. EDs go deeper than that. They can affect your thoughts, emotions, and physical health. They might make you think that you need to change your body, eat a certain way, or exercise excessively.

Sometimes, people develop an ED because they feel a lot of pressure to look a certain way or because they are struggling with their emotions. But it's essential to remember that this isn't your fault. It's not about being weak or lacking willpower. Eating disorders are serious, and they require understanding and support.

There are different types of EDs, but three common ones are anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and binge eating disorder. Anorexia happens when someone believes they are overweight, even when they are actually very thin. They may eat very little and have a fear of gaining weight. Bulimia nervosa involves eating a lot of food in a short time and then trying to get rid of it, like through vomiting or excessive exercise. People with binge eating disorder eat large amounts of food in a short time and feel out of control during these episodes.

One of the ways eating disorder therapists at Another Light Counselling support you is by helping you recognize and challenge the negative thoughts and behaviors that contribute to your ailment. They work with you to develop healthier ways of thinking about yourself and your body. They want to help you build self-esteem and understand that your worth is not based on your appearance or weight.

Therapists also teach coping skills to help you deal with difficult emotions and challenges that come with an ED. They may suggest activities that make you feel good, like drawing, writing, or talking to someone you trust. They also teach you relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing or mindfulness, to manage stress. Additionally, therapists may work with nutritionists or dietitians to provide guidance on developing a balanced and healthy relationship with food. They can help you understand that all foods can be part of a healthy diet and teach you how to nourish your body in a way that feels good to you.

Remember, seeking help is a brave and important step toward healing. Eating disorder treatments are there to support you, listen to you, and help you on your path to feeling better. You deserve to have a healthy relationship with food and your body. Recovery is possible, and with the support of a therapist, you can learn to overcome the challenges you face. You are strong, and there are people who want to see you thrive.

Compassionate Inquiry Therapy

Transformative Power of Compassionate Inquiry Therapy

Many therapeutic practices aim to support individuals on their journey to healing and self-discovery. One such transformative therapy that is gaining popularity is Compassionate Inquiry (CI). Rooted in compassion and mindfulness, CI goes deep to the root of one’s emotional and psychological experiences, offering a unique approach to self-discovery and healing. 

Also known as Gabor Mate Compassionate Inquiry, it goes beyond traditional therapeutic approaches by focusing on curiosity, empathy, and a non-judgmental perspective and invites the person to kindly and compassionately explore the causes of his emotional reactions that occur in the nervous system.

This practice seeks to create a safe and supportive environment in which clients feel free to explore their deepest feelings and reveal the root of their pain. The therapist acts as a facilitator, gently and skillfully facilitating the journey of self-inquiry, allowing the person to develop a deeper connection between his or her current experiences and past traumas or situations.


Benefits Of CIT ~

Heightened self-consciousness

 Compassionate Inquiry encourages individuals to study their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors with an open heart and mind. Through this, they learn to increase a deeper expertise of themselves, their motivations, and the underlying patterns that can be conserving them back from dwelling a satisfying existence.


Emotional healing

By compassionately exploring painful reports, Compassionate Inquiry permits individuals to process unresolved emotions, launch deep-seated wounds, and discover closure. This transformative method can cause emotional healing, assisting people move ahead with a renewed sense of freedom and resilience.


Better selection-making

CI fosters an experience of empowerment by permitting people to become aware of and venture into their limiting ideals and self-negative patterns. As they gain insights into their emotional panorama, they end up better ready to make aware of alternatives aligned with their values and aspirations.


Improved relationships

 This therapy enhances self-recognition but also cultivates empathy and understanding. As people develop a deeper knowledge of their own emotional global, they emerge as extra compassionate and empathetic in the direction of others. This, in turn, strengthens their interpersonal relationships and fosters more healthy connections.


Conclusion ~

CIT offers a powerful means of self-exploration and growth. By approaching one's innermost experiences with compassion, curiosity, and intelligence, individuals can transform their lives, heal emotional wounds, and develop deeper relationships with themselves and others. If you are looking for a therapeutic approach that values compassion, self-exploration and transformation. This can be the path to a fulfilling and authentic life.